Privacy Policy

STREAM SAN MIGUEL, S. DE R.L. de C.V. (hereinafter “Hotel Matilda“), with address at Aldama 53, Centro, C.P. 37700, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México, is a company of Mexican nationality, which provides lodging, restaurant and spa services to all public and not to a specific country, so it hereby makes available the following:  


Hotel Matilda” makes it known that the information provided by our clients and suppliers (the “owners), in their capacity as owners of personal data (“the data“) is protected in accordance with and in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its Regulations, and that therefore it guarantees the confidentiality and treatment of “the data” under the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, protecting them, with administrative, technical and physical security measures, to avoid their damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or undue disclosure.   


“The data” that we require from suppliers (people who provide services or supply products to “Hotel Matilda”) are: name, telephone number, address, Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC), e–mail address and name of the contact(s), in order to comply with the existing contractual relationship with them. 

“The data” that we require from our clients [people who acquire the services offered by “Hotel Matilda” through the website (hereinafter “the website), through the electronic means we use for it or physically at our facilities], are: full name, telephone number, Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC), electronic mail address (e-mail) and, if applicable, debit or credit bank card number; day, time and means of arrival and departure, in order to book, provide the service, make the collection of payment or invoice the amount for the consumption.            


“Hotel Matilda” collects “the data” from the owners, for the following purposes: 

  1. Clients, in order to provide the services offered by “Hotel Matilda”, make the corresponding collection and billing or invoicing, as well as for marketing and advertising purposes. 
  1. Suppliers: in order to comply with the existing contractual relationship that it has with them. 


It will be understood that the “owner“, when providing “the data”, gives its consent for “Hotel Matilda” to safeguard and manage “the data”, except if within the term of 5 (five) business days it expresses its refusal to the processing of its personal data, doing this by means of a freely drafted written communication sent to the e–mail address [email protected].  In addition, we may use “the data” for specific marketing and advertising purposes; if it is the case that the “owner” does not agree that its data be used for such purposes, it has a term of 5 (five) business days from the time when it provides its data to object by making use of the aforementioned e-mail communication or else it may exercise the ARCO rights in accordance with numbers VII and VIII of this notice.  

We hereby notify the “owner” that its refusal to use “the data” for the purposes referred in this privacy notice, shall not be a reason for us to deny information about the services of “Hotel Matilda”, however, it may prevent the rendering of the service or contractual obligation with clients and suppliers, since we would be physically and legally unable to do so, in accordance with the nature of the services we offer. 


Clients are made aware that the hosting services offered by “Hotel Matilda” through “the website are engaged worldwide through Design Hotels AG, so they are redirected to the link which is “Hotel Matilda’s”, reservation engine, and therefore the client should always observe the browser’s location bar to determine if it has been connected to a website other than that of “Hotel Matilda”.  

Therefore, we must inform clients that “Hotel Matilda” receives the information directly from Design Hotels AG and not from the client, so that the supply, handling, safekeeping and processing of personal data provided through the website, is governed by the privacy notice of Design Hotels AG, which is the party in charge of collecting the personal data of the consumers of the hotel service of “Hotel Matilda”, which consist of: full name, address, telephone, e–mail; and, if applicable, debit or credit bank card number, cardholder’s name, expiration date and security code; date, time and means of arrival and departure, in order to book and pay for the hotel service. 

In addition to the foregoing, the services of “Hotel Matilda” are offered through other links or websites that we do not own, therefore, we invite the “owner” to read the privacy and security policies of any external website before providing personal information when accessing such sites, since “Hotel Matilda” is not responsible for the information collection practices or privacy policies of third party websites or for our service providers that it may send through a website other than that of “Hotel Matilda” and we cannot guarantee them, even when you access through a link on our website.   


Clients of the European Community are informed that the personal data provided through are protected in terms of the General Data Protection Regulations of the European Commission and in terms of the privacy notice of Design Hotels AG that appears published in      

Likewise, we inform you as well that our services are focused on any person in the world, however, if you are a citizen of any member country of the European Community, you have legal rights under the data protection laws of the European Community regarding matters of protection of personal data, to obtain further information you can visit the website; notwithstanding the above, in order to exercise any of your rights, you can contact with our Department of Protection of Personal Data through e–mail address [email protected] . 


We inform you that “Hotel Matilda” will not transfer “the data”, unless there is an act of authority that requires it, in which case the “owner” will be informed, for the relevant purposes. 


The “owner” may exercise the rights of: 

  • Access to become familiar with “the data” that “Hotel Matilda” has, if its personal information is being processed, as well as the scope, conditions and generalities of such processing. 
  • Rectification: rectify the data because it is incomplete or inaccurate. 
  • Cancellation: when you consider that the data are not being treated according to the principles, duties and obligations provided by the law.   . 
  • Opposition; oppose or request that the treatment of “the data” cease in the following cases: 
  1. When there is a legitimate cause and the specific situation so requires it, and it must justify that even if treatment or processing is lawful, it must cease in order to prevent its persistence from causing harm to the owner”or 
  1. You must express your opposition to the processing of your personal data so that the treatment is not carried out for specific purposes. 


The “owner” may exercise the ARCO rights, complying with the following: 

  1. By means of a written request, subscribed in its own right or through a representative.  In the event that it appears by means of a representative, such representative must show a simple power of attorney signed before two witnesses, along with a copy of the official identifications of the “owner”, the representative and the witnesses.   
  1. It must indicate the reasons and documents or evidence that motivates the request. 
  1. It must indicate an e–mail address to receive notifications related with its request for ARCO rights. 
  1. Said application or request and the aforementioned requirements must be directed to the Personal Data Protection Area of “Hotel Matilda” and sent via the following e–mail address: [email protected].  
  1. Once the request has been sent, the “owner” must confirm its acknowledgement of receipt with the Personal Data Protection Area of “Hotel Matilda” at telephone number (415) 152-1015. 

Once this has been done, “Hotel Matilda” will have a period of 20 (twenty) business days to respond by e–mail, regarding the admissibility or inadmissibility thereof; if it is the case that the application or request is admissible, the respective area will have 15 (fifteen) business days to grant the request.  In the event that the request or application or the documents are not clear or are insufficient, “Hotel Matilda” will notify the “owner” so that it may correct them within a period of 10 (ten) business days.     


In the event of any modification to this Privacy Notice, “Hotel Matilda” will inform you of this through the Internet website:  


In order that the “owner” may limit the use and disclosure of its personal information, it has the following means at its disposal: 

  • Its registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Publicity (Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad), which is in the charge of the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor – PROFECO), so that its personal data is not used to receive advertising or promotions of companies of goods or services.  For further information, consult PROFECO’s Internet website, or else, contact this website directly. 
  • Its registration in the “Hotel Matilda” listing to ensure that its personal data is not processed for marketing, advertising or commercial prospection purposes on our part, it will be sufficient to make contact through telephone number (415) 152-1015 or send an e–mail to: [email protected]


Hotel Matilda makes it known that during visits or accesses of people (hereinafter “the users”) to the website (hereinafter “the website”) you can use Cookies (which is a small file that is stored on the hard disk of the User’s computer that contains specific characters of the User as well as information on the use that the User gives to the site), when a User browses through the sites included in the Website.  The Cookies that can be used in the sites of this website are associated only with the browser of a specific computer (an anonymous User), and do not provide therein the name and surname of the User.  Thanks to these Cookies, it is possible to recognize the browsers of registered Users after they have registered for the first time without having to register for each visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for them.  Cookies used cannot read cookie files created by other providers.  The User has the possibility of configuration its browser to be advised on-screen of the reception of Cookies and to prevent the installation of Cookies on its hard drive.  The User must consult the instructions and manuals of its browser to expand this information.  In order to use the Website, it is not necessary for the User to allow the installation of the Cookies sent, notwithstanding that in such case it will be necessary for the User to register each time it accesses a service that requires prior registration.   

Cookies that are used in the sites belonging to the Website can be served, in which case they are served from the different servers operated by it, or from the servers of certain third parties that provide us services (for example, the Cookies used to serve the advertising or certain Contents and that make the User visualize the advertising or certain Contents in the time, number of times and predetermined form).  Whenever you have not activated the option that prevents the installation of Cookies on your hard drive, the User can explore its hard drive following the instructions and help manual of its operating system to know in more detail each server from where Cookies are sent.  

The “Website” and the HTML e–mails may contain a fragment of code that receives the name of web beacons, which allows a website to transfer or collect information through a graphic image request, in such case, the purposes will be only for the analysis of the use of the “Website”, the audit and generation of reports on advertising, and the personalization of the advertising and the content of the “Website”.   

Hotel Matilda” can collect information through web beacons about the User’s browsing activity, such as the time, browsing environment, etc.; this information may be used to understand visitor traffic, the way in which the User interacts in the “Website”, improve the “Website” and the services and products that are advertised, improve browsing, and, where appropriate, review and analyze patterns, reports, investigations and publicity audits for “Hotel Matilda” or our advertisers, without in any way sharing information that identifies the user personally.   


If the “owner” considers that its right to the protection of its personal data has been damaged or presumes any violation to them or to the provisions foreseen in the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its Regulation and other applicable laws, it can file its disagreement or complaint before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).  For further information, you can visit their official Internet website:

Last update 15th of June of 2018.